North Alabama Educators Credit Union is once again seeing counterfeit checks being produced and distributed that have the name of the credit union on the checks. These fake checks are being sent throughout the country by scammers in conjunction with fake secret shopper job offers. Potential victims are being mailed a check that appears to be drawn off of North Alabama Educators Credit Union as either an Official Check or Cashier's Check. Any counterfeited check will be sent back as "fictitious item". The credit union did not produce these checks or lose any check stock. These counterfeit checks are being produced by thieves using common check software available at many office supply stores. So far all of these counterfeit checks are being handled and presented in states outside of Alabama.
Many financial institutions across the country see their checks being counterfeited from time to time since checks are sent for legitimate reasons all over the country for valid transactions. Consumers are advised to treat unknown checks with caution, especially any checks received as part of a work from home offer. Checks received through the mail from strangers is always a huge red flag to stop and question the transaction being requested. Consumers are advised to contact the financial institution that the check is written on to verify the check item as being real and negotiable.
Anyone receiving an Official Check or Cashier's Check drawn on North Alabama Educators Credit Union can verify the item by calling our main office at 1-800-547-8172.