Monday, July 25, 2011

Review of Beneficiaries

Members are encouraged to review the beneficiaries currently listed on their financial accounts to insure that existing names and distribution percentages are still valid. The credit union has had members to pass away with a previous spouse still listed as the account beneficiary or joint owner. By law, the credit union is required to distribute funds from a deceased account according to the existing status on the account at the time of death. If one or more multiple joint owners exist on a deceased member's account, any surviving joint owners would receive the funds. If there are no surviving joint members on an account, the credit union is then required to distribute funds according to the account beneficiaries listed on the most recent membership card. Please understand that beneficiaries can be different for the share and IRA accounts. Beneficiaries can be changed at any time by the primary member or IRA account owner.

The death of a loved one is difficult enough. Nobody wants a problem with an outdated beneficiary or joint owner being listed on a deceased account. Stop by any branch office to review the existing account beneficiaries and/or joint owners on your accounts. If changes need to be made, now is the time to address these name changes for beneficiaries and joint owners on your account(s).

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